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Inserito il - 04/05/2018 : 08:17:04  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di IK0WMJ Invia a IK0WMJ un Messaggio Privato
La Arrl da la seguente notizia, che ritengo utile per tutti gli appassionati di FT8 DXpedition Mode:

Third Public Test of FT8 "DXpedition Mode" Set for May 5

A third public test of the developing FT8 "DXpedition Mode" is set for Saturday, May 5, the WSJT development group has announced. A fourth "release candidate" is now available, and participants in the May 5 public test should install WSJT-X version 1.9.0-rc4 beforehand.

"Once again, the goal is to simulate a rare DXpedition pileup by having many stations ('Hounds') calling and trying to work a designated pseudo-DXpedition station ('Fox'). Everyone participating in the test must use WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc4," Joe Taylor, K1JT, said on behalf of the WSJT development team. Taylor urged participants to "read, understand, and carefully follow" the FT8 DXpedition Mode User Guide, which contains some operating procedure details that differ from earlier versions of the beta mode software.

"If you have legitimate access to more than one call sign (spouse, a club call, or whatever), please feel free to call and work each Fox more than once," Taylor said. "The more Hounds, the better; we want the test pileup to be as deep as possible."

The third public test will include three 1-hour sessions.

UTC - Frequency Fox - Call Sign - Operator

14:00 14.090 W1/KH7Z N1DG

15:00 14.090 W7/KH7Z AA7A

16:00 14.090 K1JT K1JT

Any last-minute instructions will be announced on the Ping Jockey Relief chat page.

Installation packages for WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc4 on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Raspbian Jessie have been posted on the WSJT website.

Participants are asked to report their test results and any problems encountered to the WSJT-X development lists on or to the Yahoo WSJT-X Development Group reflector. You must be a subscriber in order to post to these lists.

The third beta release of the new DXpedition Mode has been tested over the past several weeks, including during a public test on April 7. "A few additional bugs were identified and corrected, and the -rc4 release also includes some minor enhancements," Taylor said. "A general availability (GA) release of WSJT-X version 1.9.0 will be announced at a suitable time, probably in the near future. After that you should stop using any -rc# release candidate."

Sarebbe interessante partecipare soprattutto per dare un contributo a K1JT, premio Nobel, alla messa a punto dello straordinario software e poi per capire come funziona in caso di impiego delle spedzioni visto che in moltissime dx spedition è stato annunciato un uso estensivo del nuovo modo.


Modificato da - IK0WMJ in Data 05/05/2018 08:34:20

 Messaggi: 75  ~  Membro dal: 21/01/2013  ~  Ultima visita: 14/05/2024


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Inserito il - 04/05/2018 : 10:45:58  Link diretto a questa risposta  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di iz5cml Invia a iz5cml un Messaggio Privato

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Enrico IZ5CML

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Inserito il - 04/05/2018 : 11:51:34  Link diretto a questa risposta  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di iz5cml Invia a iz5cml un Messaggio Privato
IW0HEX ha scritto:

QSO in FT8

11,81 KB

73s !

No Pasquale, non confondere il pis... con l'urina, quello è Netradio !!!!!!!

Modificato da - iz5cml in data 05/05/2018 09:04:56

  Firma di iz5cml 
Enrico IZ5CML

 Regione Toscana  ~ Prov.: Firenze  ~ Città: Empoli  ~  Messaggi: 13903  ~  Membro dal: 18/05/2005  ~  Ultima visita: 04/03/2020 Torna all'inizio della Pagina
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